
Roman God(dess) I, 2019

Roman God(dess) I, Rome 2019

Snow Moon Bedsheets, 2020

Snow Moon, New York 2020

The Offering, 2019

The Offering, Paris 2019


Women Writers

The contact sheet is from a photo shoot with French writer Helene Cixous in 1989The photographs on women writers by Roberta Fineberg shot on film are in the photographer’s personal collection of rare butterflies - among many author portraits made in London, New York, Paris, and Moscow (80s-90s).

A contact sheet of images of French writer Helene Cixous, Paris, 1989

For more than a decade I photographed Women Writers with black-and-white film which I shot in New England, London, New York, Paris, Moscow and beyond…




Corona Diary, New York 2020


[art on paper & canvas]